Jim Patterson

HOTBA Second Vice President

HOTBA Jim Patterson

Jim Patterson, a Board of Directors Member for the Heart of Texas Builders Association, joined the Association in 2007. He then went on to join the Board in 2014.


During his time on the Board, he has previously served as the President in 2021.


Jim has been a framing contractor and home builder for over 35 years. As a young boy, he started working in and around the construction industry with his Dad on various residential and commercial job sites. During his teenage years, Jim was employed by his father as a framer. When Jim turned 18, he became one of the superintendents for his Dad’s framing contractor business in Fort Worth, Texas. Shortly after, in 1989, Jim was 21 and established his framing business in Central Texas. A couple of years later, Jim built his first custom home and has been building homes for over 32 years.